by Oleksandra Barba @ Unsplash

This is your scene. What's the story?

Without A Trace

Cloverleaf Summer Camp was supposed to be a place of fun and smiles. But for an entire community, it was a place of pain and confusion. On the 8th of July ten years ago, the staff and several children went missing. Police spent months trying to uncover exactly what happened, but to no avail.

At the time of the investigation, police suspected that the owner of the camp was involved. But they had trouble proving anything because the owner, Rachel Towny, had also gone missing. There were no signs of a struggle or any signs of violence. Everyone simply just vanished. Without any leads, the case remains unsolved. Urban explorers have ventured inside the camp only to find rusted up beds and old toys thrown about. Some have said the air inside the cabins feels heavy, though none can explain why.

What has happened to the missing people of Cloverleaf Summer Camp? Were they taken by someone or has something other worldly happened to them? Maybe someday there will be some answers.

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