Submitted by Alice Clifford
Write a poem describing the beauty of something you believe is overlooked.
Try and create a interesting picture of this beauty in your writing
I feel this empty pang of yearning for longer
Even though I’m not yet out of time
And a growing fear that time will never slow down again
Like it’s spinning out of control
And some great force was supposed to remember to reset its pace
But got caught up in more important things
I watch the sunrise and almost forget that it happened - only a moment later
While wishing that everyone had woken to admire it
Maybe they could have held onto it better than me
I think of things that will happen soon
And feel that I’ve already missed them somehow
Everything around me feels fleeting
Like sand falling between my fingers
And I want to play it all back to make sure
That I was really there for it
Because I feel I’m losing everything even as it happens
So the things that should make me happy
Become sad in a hurry.
© pennomoly