Submitted by Lockitt Mobby
Write a scene where a superhero must reveal their true identity to someone they care for.
Truth Revealed
She stood there, frozen, among the heaping carnage. The reason he kept going. The reason he fought so hard to keep the city safe - though almost always creating danger for himself. In the surrounding chaos, these two, almost as if by the power of something greater, lock eyes just as they had all those years ago at the coffee shop while he was on his way to work at his cubicle at a small accounting firm in Lower Manhattan.
"Your eyes. I know those eyes," she says, creating a lump in the throat of the city's hero that no villain ever could manage.
"Are you okay?" he replies, hoping to distract from the obvious: he has been found out.
"I wondered where you had been all this time. I haven't heard from you since I moved back home last summer," she says with a crack in her voice, ignoring the question yet answering it at the same time.
"I need to get those who've been injured to safety." New York's own Superman has finally found something that struck fear into his heart - an old flame that died at the sudden gust of the wind. After two years of love and plans to marry that were interrupted by family health issues back home, how could he face the woman he had waited for all this time? What is there to say other than that he's missed her and thought of her nonstop?
"I've missed you more than you could ever imagine, Clark." Hearing his name while being masked brings him to tears. Was it because of what was said or because of who said it?
"Lois," he says as if he is learning to speak for the first time. He grabs his mask at the top of his head, pulls up, and reveals more than the eyes Lois has recognized. The freckles on his nose and upper cheek just below his eyes. The corners of his lips and the way they curl just so perfectly in her mind. The tears that have been held back from months of repression - leaking down his chiseled cheek and down to his broad chin. Tears are returned from her eyes as they slowly approach. They embrace, as do their tears, and just for a moment, there is no more chaos, evil, or carnage. There are only two lovers. Two ghosts of what could have been. There is only Lois and Clark.