by Daniel Jensen @ Unsplash

Write this character's story.
Deep secrets come to surface
The harsh waves drowning my lungs with cold sharp pains. I'm not able to breathe or see where Im at underneath the dark ocean. Something started grabbing my leg, the panic set in more so before I pushed myself upward towards the surface. I lunged myself as strongly as possible, I felt what seemed to be air touch my fingertips. A massive relief starting inside my body, fresh air back into my lungs. All my senses started coming back slowly and steadily. Once I felt strong enough to swim towards land, I realized where I was, I saw visions inside my mind of what just happened. She did this to me, she who should not be called by name, she who I must get revenge on! I pulled my weak and wet body up the side of the dirt edge and felt the cold grass through my fingers. It is now time; time to seek my revenge on the one who destroyed my life.