Your character looks into the two-way mirror and says, “I know you’re watching me.”

What happens next?


Getting into a rhythm of daily routines was mentally draining as things gone crazy after having an accident one year ago. I have been in bed since than.

Everything it seems is bound by it's limit except the mental state of a person. It shows no mercy to it's bearer of it's ability to think countless times especially in a solitude surrounding.

I could have been with my parents in situation like this but I prefer to be on my own as my way of dealing with difficult situations.

Am I going crazy; I ask this question ton of times everyday and out come the answer, this is who you are. While I take pride of being my own man, I despise myself other times for being a self-centred and selfish as well.

I haven't talked to my parents and my only sister for two years. I broke up with my girlfriend since around that time. I kind of gotten sick of having relationship with anyone and my only solace is my solitude in this remote place.

I even started talking to the two way mirror in my bedroom, saying, I know you are watching me and probably disappointed in me. I feel it has so many things to say to me especially you are wasting yourself, go and be with close ones because without them we are unfulfilled.

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