Write a story centred around a relationship that is dangerous in some way.

The Guard

Cassia flopped down on her bed next to her textbook and scrolls. Her tutor was making her write yet another history essay as punishment for not doing her schoolwork. She hadn't gotten much onto the page though; the topic bored her to death. She wanted to paint or draw or sculpt something, but her art supplies had been taken as another form of punishment from her parents. She had only written about a paragraph summarizing everything and knew that at this rate nothing was going to get done. Her parents would be angry, but it was rare that they weren't these days.

"Victor Caldwell was the first king of Elaris. After conquering everyone else in the Great War, he established himself as founder and king of the great country Elaris. It was small and weak in the beginning but over time was expanded and built up to be one of the strongest in the land. Now, the Caldwell's are the reigning royal family of Elaris, with King Xavier and Queen Elenor being the current rulers."

She read it over and decided to go and find her older sister, Maryn instead of working more. Maryn was her favorite sister, being the middle child she had the most freedom out of the three of them, and she was resilient and tough, someone Cassia both looked up to and resented because of those qualities. She was usually found outside, either practicing her horse riding or javelin throwing, and didn't have to wear dresses all the time like Cassia and Aurora.

Cassia quietly ran through the castle, glad that her dress wasn't made from some loud crinkly fabric. She slipped out one of the back windows on the first floor, and loved the dress even more with how effortless it made sneaking out. It was a dark green velvet, with an empire waistline and gold detailing alongside the waist and bottom, which grazed her ankles. Her hair was free and down, falling to the middle of her back in soft dark waves. Stepping outside, unaware that she was barefoot, she trekked along the path up the field to find her sister who, as she guessed, was practicing sword fighting in the small arena built just for her. Maryn was her father's favorite, her masculine interests being the closest thing he could get to having a son of his own. Her hair was braided into a tight auburn tail flying behind her as she fought one of the guards. She had a loose shirt and pants on, and a helmet covering her face. No body armor in sight, she didn't need it anymore.


Her sister blocked a jab from the guard, before signaling for him to go. She pulled off her helmet and waved at Cassia. Jogging over, Cassia noticed a bit of blood trickling out of her sister's nose.

"Uh, Mare, I think your nose is bleeding."

Maryn, unbothered just wiped at it and held her sleeve up to the injury. "Yeah, it is. It's probably from when my helmet knocked into my face earlier. What do you want?"

"I was bored with school."

"So, you decided to come and bother me?"

"Uh huh. Do you mind?"

"Nah, not today."

The two sat in the grass behind the castle, looking out at the mountains. So much green, Cassia thought. She wished she could explore them at some point but knew that it wasn't possible. Not for girls like her. She watched as the new guards trained, and wondered how they could have such perfect formation, she wondered if how much they trained for that a day, and she wondered how many hours they had to train to have such perfect muscles and-


Her head snapped up. "What?"

Maryn smirked, eyes flickering towards the guards. "Did Father tell you about the family supper tonight?"

Cassias heart sunk. Family supper was one of her most dreaded things. It usually involved her parents reprimanding her about school or coming up with new rules and restrictions for the girls.

"You know Father doesn't talk to me much."

Maryn's smirk left. "Sorry. But you really didn't know? I was told this morning; they want us to all be there tonight."

"Wonderful, another night of being berated by Mother and Father."

"Maybe it won't be that bad this time."

"Well, you wouldn't know Maryn. You're the favorite and you have it easier than me and Aurora. You never have to deal with them or anything for that matter."

Maryn's eyes darkened, gaze growing heavy. "You don't know what I have to deal with, so I suggest you stop talking about it as if you do. You don't know what I've been through and what I still go through." She stood up "I'm going to go train now, and I would prefer to be alone."

Cassia sat for a moment, before getting up and going back inside. She started running back to her room, wanting to be alone before the dinner. Through the library and entrance, and up the stairs, going down the hallway the girls' bedrooms were in at a rampant speed. So rampant, that she didn't notice the guard moving to his station.


"Oh, my goodness I am so sorry I shouldn't have been running I didn't see you dearest apologies I-"

"I should be the one apologizing Princess, are you alright?" He was blushing, standing awkwardly looking down at her with soft blue-gray eyes. Then she noticed her hands were on his chest. Flushing red and pulling back quickly, she nodded. "Yeah, uh, I mean yes."

Walking to her room she wanted to cry. The other guards stationed in the hall were chuckling and smirking, and she glared at them, remembering her title.

Cassia sat at the dinner table, the first to arrive for dinner. Typical of her family members to always be late. She had her hair put into an updo and a small gold hairpiece that matched her dress stuck into it. Her face had been made up by her maids, the makeup accentuating her big dark eyes and covering her dusting of freckles. Maryn was the second to arrive, her boys' clothes switched out for a light grey form fitting dress. Her hair was loose and flowing, with a silver headband that held some back. Maryn sat, looking straight ahead even as Cassia tried make faces, she knew could regularly get her to laugh. Her mother was next, smiling politely at her daughters as she sat. She was the blueprint for Aurora, the two could pass for sisters if it were not for her mother's graying hair and weathered skin. Next, Aurora herself entered the room, looking as stoic as ever. With her inky black hair and fair skin, her sister was beautiful. High set cheekbones set off dark eyes and she was tall and thin, the ideal look for the next queen. Yes, Aurora was the eldest daughter, meaning that she was the next ruler. Her days were spent studying and working to become the next queen, her entire life was devoted to that purpose. As she grew up, she lost all of her playfulness and sweetness, instead becoming a calculated, and frigid woman. She was only 19 yet looked 25.


Maryn and Cassia stared at their sister.

"Uh, hello?" Cassia tried to crack a smile; Aurora never spoke to her. Maryn stayed silent, her eyes downcast.

The four women, three young and one old all sat silently, more strangers than family by now. Their father finally entered, a tall man with dark eyes and gray hair, looking just enough like Cassia that she could claim her features were taken from him. He smiled, the same way their mother had and took his seat.

"Well, I'm sure you're all wondering why I wanted a family supper. I know we all usually eat separately but tonight I have some news. The family of Aquaria is coming to visit, I'm sure you all remember the Valentines?"

Cassias jaw almost hit the floor. The Valentines were the girls only childhood friends, who they eventually stopped seeing due to my parents becoming increasingly paranoid about their safety. There were three of them as well, their oldest son Maxmillion, the middle daughter, Paris, and their youngest, Cato.

Cassia sat up, "Wait really? Thats great I'm so excited!"

Her family stared at her quietly as she leaned back again. Her Father cleared his throat. "Well, they aren't coming for fun, it will be a commerce discussion for the parents, and an academic discussion for you children. That means you will all have to step up your studies."

Cassia's expression must have fallen, because her father eyed before saying, "And Cassia, I expect to hear better reports from your tutor. Maybe I should read your next essay on our family's history." She wanted to cry.

The next week flew by, as her excitement for the Valentines arrival grew by the day. Even though it was supposed to be for school, she was still happy to see people her own age. Only one notable thing happened, while she was walking down her bedroom hall attempting to sneak back in the castle late one night. She had been stargazing on the field near Maryn's arena, and lost track of the time. Creeping through the creaky hallway, she stumbled and almost tripped in front of the guard she had bumped into earlier that week. His eyes were soft as he watched her, whispering a little, "Be careful". Guards were not supposed to speak to the royals if it wasn't an emergency, but she wished they would talk to her more. It was lonely in the castle. She smiled at him, and when he smiled back, she just about melted. Something about him intrigued her, but she shoved the thought down. Princesses were only ever allowed to be with other royals.

When the Valentines arrived, Cassia ran out to greet them, not caring about what her family would think. She caught Paris in a tight hug, the two girls immediately complimenting each other's dresses. Cassia was wearing a long deep blue gown, tiny flowers dotting it, with a matching corset painted in florals. Her hair was down, with two small braids meeting in the back of her head, a large rose covering where the braids were tied. Paris was wearing a soft pink dress, all tulle and pastels. Her blonde hair was put up, and she looked effortlessly regal. Cassia hugged the boys, marveling silently at much taller they were now, all of the girls, with the exception of Aurora, were much smaller in comparison. Cato hugged her a moment longer than what she was used to, his arms gripping her waist, but she brushed it off.

Her friends were finally here!

The day went quickly, even though they were focusing on school, the kids all found time to laugh and get off track, even Maxmillion and Aurora, who were the most serious. Cato always looked Cassia in the eye when she spoke and complimented her dress multiple times. It seemed to her like he had feelings for her, but she didn't reciprocate them. He was too much like family to her to be a potential lover. Once, his hand slipped onto her waist, and while moved away, she could tell how he viewed her from then on. Nothing came of it though, until the third night they were visiting.

Cato and Cassia were in her fathers office, laughing at old photos of all of the royals as children. They had some mead, and while she didn't enjoy it and stopped at half a glass, he kept drinking, even taking the bottle into the library with them. He leaned in, while she giggled at one of him with chocolate all over her face.

"You look so different."

Cassia looked at him then. "What do you mean?"

He sat up straight. "You're just so beautiful now."

"Well, thank you." She smiled; a bit uncomfortable.

Then, he got closer. "I think I'm in love with you. Your looks are so incredible I just want to-"

And before she could process what he had just said, he grabbed her and tried to kiss her.

"EW WHAT GET OFF ME!!!!" She tried to push him away, but he was insistent. Kissing her face and jawline and pulling her closer he whispered, "You've been flirting with me all this time, I know you want me."

"No, I do not you're like a brother just GET OFF ME!!." He was then trying to unlace her corset as she kicked and screamed, suddenly more scared than she'd ever been. She realized, as she cried that no one could hear her. The families had gone outside for dessert and there were no guards in her fathers office when it was unoccupied.

"Let go of her." A swift kick to Cato's back and he fell, cursing.

Strong arms lifted her up as she sobbed, carrying her like she weighed nothing in his arms. The guard carried her up the stairs and into her quarters, setting her on her plush chair she regularly took her meals on.

"Did he...?"

She looked up through teary eyes. "No. He would have though, if you weren't there."

"You're safe now."

She looked at him then, realizing that it was the guard from before. The one with the pretty eyes and honey colored hair. "Thank you."

He looked a little embarrassed. "It's my job Princess. I should probably go now; I could lose my job if I'm caught in here."

"I understand. But one question." She smiled up at him.

He was taken aback. "Yes?"

"What's your name?"

"My name?"

"You do have a name, right?" She was calmer already just talking to him. Something about his presence was warm and gentle, she felt safe with him.

He laughed then, and all she could about was how pretty his smile was. "I do have a name. Damian. Damian Sinclair."

"Well, hello there Damian, I'm Cassia. Cassia Caldwell. But I'm sure you knew that."

"I did know that."

He left, smiling that beautiful smile at her once again, and she felt warm and fuzzy despite the horrors that had occurred earlier. Although he was just a guard and her a princess, she thought maybe she was in love.


i want to continue with this story so bad ive been cooking it up for like a year now*

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