by castleengineer @

Write a story or poem inspired by this image.

Cowardly Hero

Keiko’s breath was heavy as he gripped the hilt of his sword. Stepping back before getting another run at the cliff. His feet’s skidding to a hault at the beginning of the bridge.

“Damn it. I don’t think I can do it..”

His companion sighed, remaining at her spot in the tree. “You’re telling me, the famous hero can’t conquer his fear of heights. I saw you kill ten demons yesterday!” she scoffed at his terrified expression.

“That’s different, demons are easy. Did you know 65 percent of people are more likely to die from falling than demons?”

He shuddered, peering over the edge to the drop below. The young elf mage jumped down, her pointy ears poked from her long hair. The sun glinting off its pale surface, joining him by the edge.

“If you can’t handle this how will we fight the dragon?” she said. She stepped onto the bridge.

“You just cut its wings. No flying, no heights and no problem.” His knees buckled as he took a step onto the swaying bridge. “Oh why did it have to be this?”

They slowly walked reaching the center of the wooden bridge. The famous hero’s eyes locked on his two feet as his companion rolled her eyes.

“First it was spiders, the dark, and germs? This is why people say never to meet your heroes.” He responded with a shaky breath.

“Those are very legitimate fears I’ll have you know!” He huffed gripping the ropes tighter as the wind blew. One hand securing his hat to his head.

“Ok well, I’ll be at the door when you finally make it. I’m an elf and I think I’ll be old by the time you get up there.” She laughed, her run up the bridge making it shake even more.

The hero quickly kneeling and closing his eyes until the wooden boards settled. “Very funny. I’m supposed to be retired y’know.” He grumbled as he continued his sluggish crawl along the bridge.

Two hours later they begrudgingly made it to the castle, killing the dragon and freeing its captives. Only to face the recurs bridge again on the way back.

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