
Everything in life has failed me.

When my work drags my soul into the afterlife, when my hours of sleep a night drop below 3, and even when I am abandoned by everything in my life,

you are always there. The only constant in a sea of failure.

Dependable, reliable. And always welcoming me in everyday, no matter how dejected or downtrodden I become.

The one who never gave up on me.

The one who always made me smile.

When I couldn’t pass my drivers test and I was arrested for minor assault from throwing a donut at the examiners head, you listened to my pain.

When I accidentally tripped over my shadow, you caught me by the scruff of the neck.

When my belly rumbled in hunger, you gave me apple cider vinegar and told me to starve myself.

You’re amazing, incredible, and the most inspirational figure I could hope to have in my life.

Yes you, you irreplaceable beacon of joy.

The manager at the fast food restaurant around the corner.

My diamond in the rough.

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