Write a story or scene that takes place in a desert.
Your plot can be about anything, but the main setting of your story should be in a desert setting.
Survival Of The Bold And Adventurous
“Exploration Log 472.
Found several new rock formations to the west of amandoned Xindett encampment 12. They seem to have been recently uncovered due to the sandstorm last week and hold some intricately carved pictograms and symbols. Have yet to determine their purpose or meaning. Will require further study,”
Chet closed his journal with a “snap”, wiping sweat from his brow as he attempted to shade his eyes from the unrelenting sun. He stood from leaning against his vehicle and brushed some sand from his hands as he carefully snapped the closure of his journal and wrapped it up in a starched cloth.
He sighed as he gave his Dune-Cruiser a quick once-over, removing piles of sand that had built up and nodding in satisfaction before jumping into the drivers seat and firing it up. The engine roared to life causing the power of it to reverberate though the entire machine.
He slid on his goggles and flipped his ratty scarf over his shoulder and revved the engine, kicking up a cloud of sand as he took off like a shot.
His tires easily manuvered the rise and fall of the dunes, the shifting of the naturally unstable ground not a hinderance to Chet’s vehicle as he expertly traversed the terrain.
Every so often, an outcropping of jagged rocks would appear like a scraggly old hand jutting out of the hot sand, causeing Chet to think fast and turn his steering wheel hard to avoid them. It was these rocks that claimed so many Xindett Outlanders lives in their earlier days. It had implanted fear among the majority of the other inhabitants and caused the Elders to take measures to properly protect them, so each year a few select explorers were chosen to learn from those who knew the territories well; last year, Chet had been chosen and he was taking full advantage of that now.
He skidded across the top of a plateau of flat rock and jammed his foot down hard on the gas pedal, a large outcropping of nasty rocks coming into view through the sandy wind.
Chet serpentined his way closer to the stony edifice, switching gears as he descended into a deep valley and came up the other side. A pair of metal gates came into view and parted for him, the Dune-Cruiser sliding to a sandy stop.
“Ugh! Is it enough to ask for a clean enterance from you?” A brunette boy asked him, brushing the newly deposited sand from his arms.
Chet chuckled, jumping out of his ride and promptly placing his goggles on his head and pulling down his scarf. “You know the answer to that, Mero!” He replied cheekily.
Mero glared darkly at the taller boy, grumbling as he examined the undercarriage of the vehicle. “Kat wants to see you by the way,” Mero said from beneath the buggy.
“What about?”
“How should I know? She’s your sister,”
Chet rolled his eyes at his friend before offering a goodbye and heading further into the rocks. He greeted other inhabitants as he walked until he come to the central building; the palace.
He passed the stoic guards and approached the throne nonchalantly, a woman with long golden hair and warrior garb sitting there.
“Sup sis?”
“Chet,” she groaned exasperatedly.
“Sorry, sorry. Queen Katalia,” He said, bowing dramatically. “Better?”
A small smile came and vanished quickly as she dismissed her guards. “I think you know why I called you here,” she said, standing.
“Haven’t the foggiest,” he shrugged.
“Oh cut it out, Chet!”
“I don’t know, your highness,”
“Chethington!” She cried, her green eyes furious.
“Why are we doing this now, huh? We shouldn’t be arguing about this! We should be trying to find a cure! Not THIS!” He gestured wildly.
“I’m dying Chet. You have to accept that there’s nothing we can do. There’s nothing YOU can do!”
Chet ground his teeth and clenched his fist. “But I should be able to do something!” Tears pricked at the corners of his blue eyes.
“Oh Chet,” Kat descended towards her younger brother, pulling him into a tight embrace. “It’ll be alright. That’s why we’re doing this. I want to make sure that you and Xindett will be taken care of,”
She pulled her brother away at arms length, watching as he sniffled and wiped his eyes.
“Now, you ready to learn how to run a kingdom?” She asked, smiling warmly.
“Yeah. Let’s do this,” He supplied with his own smile.