Tower of Dreams

Once upon a time, Jane and Peter found a tower in the hills behind their parents’ cottage. It shot high into the sky, and the walls were covered with white and black squares, the paint was glossy, and the afternoon sun made it twinkle and glitter. There was a single entrance, a flight of stairs that led into darkness, and above that was a window, also full of darkness with an elegant trim of gold.

Jane wanted to turn around and return to their cottage, she wanted nothing to do with the tower and the mere sight of it sent a shiver down her spine. They'd navigated this area behind their cottage before, and there was never a tower. Where did it come from? Why was it here? She insisted that they return home, pulling on her older brother's arm, doing everything she could to deviate his attention from the mysterious tower.

Peter on the other hand was mesmerized by the tower, stricken with adventurous curiosity. He made his way through the grass toward the dark entryway with its mysterious flight of stairs. Peter walked toward the tower despite his sister's best efforts to restrain him.

Jane fought and fought, and Peter continued to resist. Eventually, she had no choice but to follow her brother into the tower and up the flight of stairs. Lights illuminated the stairs, as though aware of their arrival. Jane watched as each stair lit up, each with a different vibrant color. Red, blue, green, pink, orange...every color of the rainbow led them higher and higher into the mysterious tower.

The siblings continued up the flight of stairs until they made it to a large platform shrouded in darkness. At the far end of the platform was a singular cone of light, and under that cone was a portly man. Standing there, with his hands behind his back, seemingly awaiting their arrival.

"Step forward Peter and Jane. There is no need to be afraid."

His voice boomed off the empty walls, he didn't sound scary at fact, he sounded inviting, almost friendly. Jane's hands wrapped around her brothers, squeezing tight from the fear that consumed her body. Peter stepped forward, and for the first time, Jane realized that he was moving with caution.

"Who are you?" Peter questioned. "How do you know our names?"

"I'm Mr. Fickle," replied the man with a smile. "And I know everyone's names. Again, please approach, and don't be afraid."

Jane was able to make out Mr. Fickle's features as they neared. He wore a green suit, with a white trim, it looked as though it barely fit his round and tubby figure. He had pink hair that was parted at the center, going left and right before ending in swirls. He had a twirly mustache as well, one that covered most of his mouth. His eyes were sky blue, much like the sky that they'd left behind just moments ago.

"Where are we?" Jane questioned, her voice sounding small.

Mr. Fickle's eyes smiled at them, it was warm and inviting. "Well you're in the Tower of Dreams, yes you are."

"Tower of Dreams?" Peter questioned.

Mr. Fickle nodded. "Indeed. Here you will be able to live out your wildest dreams. Big or small, it is here where you can experience them for what they are."

"How?" Jane questioned.

He smiled with his eyes once more and lifted his right hand, high into the sky, fingers poised for a snap.




The darkness above them illuminated for a split second. Beams of light, more colors of the rainbow swirled above as though the universe was allowed into the tower with them. The colors swirled and swirled, and then each sibling saw everything that they ever wanted, respectively, and for only themselves.

Peter had always wanted to be a stage actor. He peered up and watched with fascination, seeing himself grow and succeed throughout the years. He saw glimmers of fame, a life on stage and adored by thousands. He saw himself in roughly ten years, taking a bow on stage as a sea of roses consumed him. He saw the newspaper articles that praised him for his work. He watched as his older self took to the center stage, brandishing a sword in a duel for a few seconds, before embracing the woman he loved.

Jane's vision was much different. She saw herself with the handsome Prince that she'd read about in her story books. He was masculine with beautiful blonde hair that reached his strong shoulders. She watched as they rode away on their horse, over a bridge just before the most stunning waterfall. She couldn't take her eyes off who she would be in the next ten or fifteen years, how radiant and how beautiful she was. She stared with wide eyes as her two kids, a boy and a girl wrapped their arms around her and her Prince.

"Are those not the dreams you desire?" asked Mr. Fickle.

Both siblings nodded, smiles of wonder spread across their cheeks. Each one was fascinated by the lives they were witnessing above. Peter wanted nothing more than to live out his dream of being a successful stage actor. Jane just wanted to be in the arms of her handsome Prince as they rode off into the sunset.

"Would you two like to experience your dreams?" Mr. Fickle asked.

"Yes," they said in unison.

Mr. Fickle's eyes smiled once more. "Then let's get a move on it, shall we? Peter, let's start with you."

Mr. Fickle stepped forward, his smile not leaving his eyes. "Peter, are you willing to see what your life would be like in the next couple of years?"

Peter nodded.

And then Mr. Fickle's eyes changed from blue to a shiny white, as shiny as the white along the side of the tower. A black swirl formed in the whites of both eyes, spinning around and around at a hypnotic speed.

"Then step into my eyes, so you can see the life that you want," Mr. Fickle said.

"Step into your eyes?" Peter questioned.

"Yes, good sir. Step into my eyes." Mr. Fickle stepped forward; his eyes hypnotic. "Allow me to help."

Mr. Fickle placed two fingers with his right hand on the bottom of his right eye, and two on the top part. He pulled and pulled, his eye growing bigger and bigger with each pull. Jane could hear his skull snap as it spread apart, she could hear his skin stretch and strain, but Mr. Fickle didn't seem to be in any sort of pain. The black swirl grew larger, and before long it was large enough for Peter to climb in. He turned to his sister and smiled, giving her a reassuring nod before he climbed into Mr. Fickle's right eyeball, before disappearing behind the black swirl.

Jane watched as Mr. Fickle's head returned to its normal size, and then his eyes turned back to sky blue. He smiled at her once more, once again with his eyes. "And now for you Jane...are you ready to get a taste of what it's like to live with a handsome prince?"

Jane nodded.

Mr. Fickle's mouth opened wide, wider than she'd ever seen. She watched as his tongue fell out of his mouth, unrolling from his jaw like a large rug. It landed with a wet plop on the floor, expanding in size and rolling outward toward the tips of her toes. Jane gave him a look of confusion and his eyes told her to climb in. She set a cautious foot on Mr. Fickle's tongue, she could feel it squirm around her shoe, and at first, she thought she wouldn't have the stability to climb up Mr. Fickle's tongue. She placed her other foot on Mr. Fickle's tongue and struggled with her balance for a brief moment before gaining her stance, and then she walked across his tongue. And when Jane couldn't walk anymore, she climbed, her hands grasping at Mr. Fickle's tongue, as she climbed upward and into his mouth.

Peter and Jane were never seen again.

The grassy field in which they found the Tower of Dreams is just a field with aged grass.

There was no sign of a Tower of Dreams or a Mr. Fickle.

The sibling's mysterious disappearance was anything but a dream...but a Nightmare come to life.

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