“Allow me to demonstrate,” she said steadily. “I have no magical abilities, I am just incredibly perceptive."

Use this line of speech in a story of any genre.

Recruitment Center

Time was of the essence. An intergalactic war was breaking out across the stars & our planet would shortly be coming up on the hit-list, remarking an impending doom within an undisclosed amount of time. We needed to fortify our defences:

“Allow me to demonstrate,” she said steadily. “I have no magical abilities, I am just incredibly perceptive.”

Mr Andrews & Miss Lynne gazed at each other, dumbfounded. They were the two individuals tasked with witnessing ‘auditions’ for earths primary defenders when the looming threat would imminently arrive.

“So, what’s your name? And what exactly are you trying to do?” Andrews queried, in his most dreadfully concerned tone.

“The name’s Ursula. I have the ability to coerce my opponents into fearing something that would be otherwise appear as innocent.”

“So, you’re like a Wizard- Sorry, Witch?” Lynne interrupted. She winked at Andrews - where her jolly aurora was met with his impatiently aggravated glare.

“NO!” Ursula snapped. “It’s quite simple, really…just some conniving trickery.”

“Go on then…” Andrew continued, doubtfully intrigued.


With the snap of Ursula’s fingers; Andrews & Lynne had instantaneously fallen into a deep sleep. Unbeknownst to them, Ursula had whispered something into Lynnes ear.


Following a second snap the two interviewers arose; Andrews face a picture of confusion whereas Lynnes was one of anger.

“Andrews…” Lynne began. “Can we have a word, outside?”

“No, we’re in the middle of something. What did you do, Ursula?!”

“Don’t give me that tone, Carl.” Lynne persevered frantically like an angsty teenager. “I know your game, you’re trying to replace me.”

Andrew took an assertive stance & began his retaliation.

“For Christs sake woman get yourself together! We have much more important things at stake here than your ridiculous accusations. Now are we going to intervi-“

He paused.

After a moments recollection Andrew returned to his seat & began to calm his composure.

“Was this one of your tricks then…”

A sly smirk emerged on Ursula’s face, followed by another wink headed Andrews way.

“Wow! I really wanted to kill you eight now!” Lynne remarked. “That’s insane!”

Andrew overlooked their try-out without the highest of optimism - although her ‘powers’ were impressive they would hardly be the most effective for their current endeavour.

“Ursula…” Andrew began, remorsefully. “I’m sor-“

Lynne clamorously interrupted:


The End.

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