Submitted by Eleanor
Alone, he stepped into the new world.
Write a story or poem starting with this sentence
Turbo machine
Alone, he stepped into the new world. I’ll tell you the story of a scientist ambition to connect to new worlds. Have you ever wondered when you look at the sky, the other worlds out there. Looking up at the sky we realise that we are on a small part of the galaxy which is a small part of the universe. Would it be possible to travel world to world. That is my mission. My whole life has been dedicated to making the turbo machine. Once I get this working I will be able to solve the gap between other worlds that include life.
It was an ordinary Monday. As usual I have the Monday morning grumps. Dizzy on my feet as the alarm continues to ring in my ears. Heating up milk on the stove, steering slowly with my wooden spatula. Yawning as I pour the milk into the bowl full of cereal. Going down the creaking steps to my cellar with my breakfast in my hands. Banging the door shut with my foot and placing the bowl down next to my paperwork. Gazing at my machine, half finished. It has been years since I’ve made progress.
After a few hours of work I reached the conclusion that I need more electricity to make the machine work. I grab my power packs and connect it to my main generator before switching the plug. Suddenly, my light bulbs smash and my machine lights up and flows with a green illuminating light. Laughing my head off watching as the machine turns with light and buzzing noises. “It works” I yell at the top of my voice. My legs shake uncontrollably as I enter the machine, alone. The wonders of a new world, I will explore.