Write the blurb for your book.
The blurb will help you think generally about your main plot points, your audience, and the purpose of your story.
Becca James, fresh out of university and plagued the tedium of her part-time and minimum wage job, feels stuck— stifled by her mundane routine and slipping further away from the life she has always dreamed of. She’s lost in the monotony of her daily routine, unfocused and unfazed by the repetition of returning home with aching arms and smelling of ‘premium’ coffee beans. Becca can’t catch a break, her parents are never in town and her friends have all started to move on with their lives post-uni, filling her social media feed with pictures of expensive mediterranean holidays and first homes. She’s been ready to leave for months, spending her nights researching the prices of one-way flights across the world, but a voice deep inside her brain begs her to stay right where she is—and she listens. That is until a summers Sunday morning brings more than boredom, and into the coffee shop strolls Cat; an unfamiliar face with bags on her shoulders and a £5 note in her palm. The voice telling Becca she needs to stay is quiet, and her racing thoughts are still. Could this be the excitement she was looking for?