The Last Journal

My name is Dr. Peter Van Zandt. I write these final words with the most unimaginable regret. If any single sole survives, and my notes are ever read, I humbly beg your forgiveness for the things I have done.

So much suffering, so much anger. I simply believed that humanity needed a remedy. It was never intended for financial gain. Back in November of 2023 I began experimenting with the combination of ingredients. All natural, I never wanted a cocktail of chemicals, and you try getting that past the FDA. I digress.

I misjudged my actions in two ways. Firstly by posting the combination of ingredients on every imaginable social media platform ( as I stated earlier I never did it make my fortune) Secondly I never conducted clinical trials, and as a revered nutritionist I really should have known better.

It started innocuously enough. As word spread, and believe me it spread, people turned away from drugs, alcohol, away from the big pharmaceutical’s. Humanity slowly began to change. People seemed happier, more content, patient with each other, no man or woman was an island, neighbours helped neighbours, it was like the clock had turned back 100 years. I was happy. One day I was walking down Fifth Avenue in June of 2024 and saw an old man stumble and fall over, within seconds a hundred people were fussing over/ helping him. A year earlier they would have carried on walking, even walked over him, cell phones glued to there ears.

Well, that was then. To clarify, so you know, whoever is reading this. Never mix… no I’ll stop for now, I have a bottle of bourbon ( a good one ! ) and twenty pills. The end will be sweet, I know that, but bitter too. Anyway, I’m getting a little tipsy. Let me get back to the crux of what happened.

So, things started going wrong in August of 23, billions where wiped off the New York Stock Exchange, stocks plummeted globally. Maybe people just didn’t care anymore, people seemed more concerned with setting up parties on there front lawns. Doctors, nurses, lawyers, engineers, farmers, just never came back to work. Neither did the police or military. but, people where happy.

Then it collapsed, society that is. People happily starved to death, got ill and never sought medical attention, a pandemic of disregard. I have no idea if any country escaped it, the news stopped months ago.

Before I go, I hope I go with the memory of my wife and I in Spain 10 years ago coming out of a little taverna on the beach at night. Walking along the beach hand in hand. Making love with the waves crashing behind us, the moonlight touching her face and hair. That would be a lovely thought to close my eyes to and drift away.


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