by Sans @

Write a story from the perspective of someone in this image (perhaps we cannot see them, but they're there).

Unforeseen Final Order

Captain Everett knew that the ground team had to be careful with the shifting winds growing stronger by the hour. The crew had all signed a NDA, but that did not mean anything if the word go out that ET had crash landed on Nordaustlandet, or nicknamed by the crew as ‘helvete verden’. With the sun quickly setting, they needed to quicken their pace. In the distance Captain Everett saw a storm brewing and if they did not make it back to their bunker, they would surely freeze to death.

“Time to wrap it up. Storms coming and I’m not about to die for some goddamn little green men.” As they loaded their equipment into the trucks, they could hear the wind whipping against their snow suits. Even with this protection, they still could feel the icy blast seep through vulnerable areas of their gear. As they shove the last piece of equipment on to the truck, Captain Everett did a headcount. “Nine, ten, eleven,” he counted again with his eyes, but still came up short. “Who is missing?” With their gear on it was hard to tell who was who, even with name badges sewn onto their uniform.

“Looks like Cody,” one of the men shouted over the gusts of wind.

“Damnit. Jensen, Michaels, you come with me. The rest of you head back to the base and we will be there shortly.” Cody had always been impulsive, but when the General had assigned him to the crew, Captain Everett had his concerns. His younger brother was always curious about the world, and if he hadn’t been the right choice for this mission, Captain Everett would have asked for someone else.

The three men made their way back to the wreckage and began their search. They methodically circled the area, like a pack of wolves hunting their prey. On of the doors of the wreckage had been pried open and there were fresh tracks leading into the interior of what was left of the ship. Captain Everett motioned for Michaels and Jensen to lead the way. They both yanked the riffles they had slung across their back and tactically cleared a path. It was believed there were no survivors from the crash, but that had yet to be confirmed.

As they move farther and farther, the air began to warm. Captain Everett checked the digital read out on his wrist and it began to jump rapidly. How could this be possible? The air outside was below zero, but in here it was now almost 10 degrees and climbing. Suddenly they heard footsteps moving toward them. Raising their weapons at the sound and preparing for a fight, they quickly fell into formation. A light slowly crept towards them from behind a large piece of metal.

“Sam, what’s going on?” It was Cody. They lowered their weapons with the sight of a friendly face.

“Let’s go.” Captain Everett grabbed his brother by the arm and began pulling him back the way they had come.

“Wait, I have some samples I need help carrying back. Plus you have to see this!” Cody broke loose of his brother grip.

“We will get it tomorrow. The storm is almost here and we need to go.” Captain Everett motioned to Jensen to get his brother and head back.

As they found their way back to the entrance, the sounds of the wind grew like a freight train, barreling towards them at a deafening speed. Michaels stepped into the cold air first, but was he did so a large icicle fell from above and meet his arm with force. His screams were drown out by the wind and the blood seeping through his coat made it appear as though it was only wet. Captain Everett grabbed his good arm and yanked him over his shoulders. No sooner had he righted himself, did he see a large piece of metal wiggling to break free.

“GET BACK!” His voice breaking in the wind. Instinct took over and he threw the, both back inside the ship. Knocking Michaels and Cody off their feet. The metal came crashing down before them and sealed the exist. Plunging them into darkness.

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