Write a story containing two friends who have very different professions.

Their jobs do not have to be the main theme of the story, but include something that highlights how their roles affect their friendship.

Life And Death

My best friend is the Grim Reaper. He’s not as scary as everyone thinks. He’s got white hair, and his scythe is used to protect the lives of those who have passed. It’s really sweet when you think about it.

I, on the other hand, well, I’m a midwife. I help mothers bring life into the world. That’s actually how Grim and I met, I was helping a mother through a very traumatic birth and he was waiting to guide her soul.

Apparently I wasn’t supposed to be able to see him, but for some reason, I could. We kinda shouted at each other through the process, both super confused about what was happening. After that, I tended to see him quite often. Sometimes he would come for mothers, other times for the babies. That made him sad too, having to take the life of someone who hadn’t yet gotten to experience having one.

Eventually, Grim and I started hanging out together. I’m sure I got some weird looks since no one else could see him, but that was fine with me. He was my secret to keep.

I’ve gotten mad at him a few times, sure. There have been a few too many mothers and babies who passed from my arms to his. What really saddened me is when the mother and child left the father alone in the world. Grim didn’t like it either, but it was his job, and he did it efficiently and effectively.

He still gets freaked out watching me work, it’s not normal to him to see souls be born instead of die. I try to help him through it, but he just gets too weirded out. Oh well. I get freaked out by his job too.

Today he gave me a strange offer. If I wanted to become immortal like him and continue being his counterpart, bringing life to the world. The only condition would be that people wouldn’t be able to see me, I would just assist at the bedsides of mothers, helping them along. I don’t know what to do? Should I say yes, and continue this miracle? Or should I say no and live out my time before he has to take me away too? I don’t know what to do. Do you have any sort of advice for me?

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