Your protagonists walks on the beach every morning. One day they find this unexplainable surprise. Continue the story...
Playing Tricks On Me
Don’t get me wrong, I’m no stranger to strange things happening in my life. Whether it’s an unnecessarily confrontational encounter with a Starbucks customer or an untimely run-in with one of my ex boyfriends, I’m pretty used to the unexpected. Things that are that level of unusual practically occur on a daily basis. But THIS, this is not that level of unusual. It’s actually so far from it that it’s comical. There is simply no way that I’m staring at an entire grand piano lodged into the sand of Jetty’s beach. I’ve got to be dreaming. I hope I’m dreaming, cause if this is real, it’s really freaking me out. I can’t stop thinking about what that woman said to me the other day. “Just follow the music and you’ll find your way.” Is she some sort of magician? A comedian, maybe? She’s definitely responsible for this. And if I’m right about that, I honestly really admire the effort she put into inserting this massive piano on the path of my morning walk. She was a small, older woman, no taller than five feet, and I met her just a few weeks ago on this very path just a little ways down. She was bent down looking for something in the sand, so naturally, I offered some help. She was the kind of woman that could more than likely read any person like a book. I learned that about her within seconds of our conversation starting. It was almost like anything I told her was something she already knew. And I know that sounds terrifying and creepy, but she also seemed like someone easy to trust. So while we searched the sand for her missing keychain, we stirred up some friendly conversation and I told her a little bit about who I am. A person doesn’t have to know me well to know that music is my everything. I told her music is what I came to California to pursue, but I’m working as a barista until I can find a career that pays the bills. Maybe she thought I was capable of hauling this piano out of its current place in the sand and into my tiny apartment? Or maybe this giant piano has nothing to do with her at all, and it’s a really strange coincidence? Either way, this is definitely going down as the most unusual start to my morning yet.