Write a scene, story, or poem that takes place in the moonlight.
By The Light Of The Moon
The moon shines bright in the night sky and no sound stirred in the sleepy village. Candles have been blown out, storefronts closed and even the night watchman sits behind closed doors as he dozes off for the night.
No one in the small town saw it as a night different than any other.
How very wrong they were.
Shortly after midnight some movement began in the woods. It was discreet at first, a branch moving unnaturally or a rock being kicked through the foliage. Standard noises of the woods. Nothing to worry anyone who has lived in this part of the world long enough to be accustomed to wildlife racket.
Which is what the creature counted on.
Slowly it moved from the forest dragging its long, scaled tail behind it as it made its way close to the village.
Still not a sound from the surrounding buildings.
The creatures rears back on its hind legs and begins smelling the air. It is looking for weak prey. This is intended to be a quick hunt.
After a few sniffs the creature locks onto it’s prey. It stalks right through the middle of town, teeth bared and welcoming an invitation to fight.
Nobody accepts.
After a few more buildings the creature comes to its quarry. A flock of sheep sleeping in a field.
Wasting no time the creature charges the sheep. Loud, terrified bleating fills the air as the creature rips them to shreds. Bits of fur and bone abound and no one who lays eyes upon the sight will soon forget it.
Satisfied with its hunger the creature tears back and let’s loose a bloodcurdling howl. It then takes off into the night.
Moments later a group of townspeople arrive to the pasture wondering what the noise can be. They carry torches, gardening tools that can double as weapons and guns.
When the first man sees the carnage left behind he cries out and faints. Nothing like this has ever happened in the village before.
The group stands in shock and stares at each other. Their eyes then drift down to their paltry cache of weapons and the same question sits heavy on every mind.
Are we ready for this?