
The bride’s heart was racing and her palms felt clammy. As she turned around, she met the loving smiles of her bridesmaids, her sisters and closest companions. She’d heard somewhere that smiles were contagious, and it must have been so; because now, a smile had crept onto the girl’s nervous face.

The maid of honor, her sister, walked up and looked her dead in the eyes. “Don’t be nervous. If you’re nervous, you’ll end up doing something stupid. And if you do something stupid, you’ll embarrass yourself. So, don’t be nervous.”

The blunt words of her sister brought a smile to the bride’s lips. She took some deep breaths in a vain attempt to still her pounding, racing heat.

“I can’t believe this day has finally arrived!” She cried as she wrung her hands in excitement.

There was a sudden knock at the door as the bride’s father walked in. He stopped, stunned by how beautiful his daughter looked. She smiled and twirled her long, lacy skirts. “How do I look, Daddy?”

He offered his arm, and she took it as her whispered, “Beautiful.” And with that, the bride, her father, and her maids headed for the great hall.

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