I Am The Night

I am night. The day is lime coleus and painted Japanese fern, your beloved Thai basil, and those ratty begonias you picked up in the grocery store. The day is bright and hot. Everyone and everything moves fast. The day is speed.

People think I’m slow. What I am is relentless. I eat your coleuses in lime, coral pink, and deep burgundy frills. I eat your fern painted and otherwise. Basils are my favorite but this you know. I am hunger.

The night is alway hungry. You day runners try to stop me with plates of salt, shallow saucers of beer. The day runs around trying to tame nature. The day wants to but us in pots, train us on trellises. The day wants perfect. The day wants tidy. I laugh. I laugh as I eat your delicious purple basil. I slime across your orderly rows. My glittering mucus silver as moonlight tinsels your intentions. The glint of the sun on my trails criss crossing spells your defeat. No worries I’ll leave you those ratty begonias.

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