Create a poem that delves into what is communicated in moments of silence.
First Grade Performance
The quiet buzzing of chatter recedes,
Leaving only the creaking of risers
and the rustling of small children,
Unable to sit still.
The acoustics cause an echo
Of every sniffle and cough
Or adjustment of legs.
Perched lightly on flimsy plastic chair
Leaning forward, my eyes lock in quickly
On my sons eagerly bouncing form
Emulating nervous energy.
If I am a compass, he is north,
Always drawn to where he is.
My surroundings are second, though permeating,
With overwhelming scents like a rolling fog
Of perfume and aftershave,
Dry muffins and dull coffee,
Dubious eggs and sausages
Invade the stagnant air
Of an elementary cafeteria.
Stifling nostalgia,
Reminiscent of a time,
When it was my mother in the crowd
And I sat on the stage.
Other adults fidget, phones in hand
Ready to capture their children
In a small moment
When they sing their hearts out
To impress and captivate
An ever willing crowd.
My son still hasn’t found me.
His eyes wander while I barely blink,
A green gaze darting around the large room,
Nearly frantic in his search,
Skipping over my attuned focus
Unable to spot me in the thick crowd
When I could see him in orbit
As if he is the earth
And I, his moon.
However, I am just his mom.
And he is only seven.
The principal begins her prattling
Thanking the parents
As couples turn to each other,
Love in their eyes
Their child a crowning achievement,
Their hands interlocked.
My sight never wavers,
Knowing he must see me before they start,
So he knows his mom is here.
I can feel his excitement stale
As his search remains futile,
His confidence waning
His body caving inward
As he continues to skip over
The third row fourth chair,
As if a bubble surrounds me
Erasing me from his sight.
My heart fractures at his sadness
With the knowledge that
If he could just see me,
All would be well in his world.
But then! Finally!
It is not dramatic to say
His eyes lit up entirely
His shoulders peel back
His neck straightens and his smile strains across his small face,
For he has found his mom.
My smile matches his, warm and loving.
His happiness is palpable
Maybe to no one else
But searing to my soul,
To know that my presence
Can cause him to feel loved.
I am here, I am here, I am here
I support you, I love you, I see you
I know you, I am proud of you.
His joy is mine,
And in that moment,
While our eyes meet
With mirroring smiles
We are both filled with it.
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