
i walk through the mall, trying to listen for the echoes of my footsteps among the chatter of people around me. i don’t know which store i’m going to, or what i’m trying to find, but i walk with purpose anyway. nearby i hear music, i decide to head in that direction. i don’t look at the name of the store before heading in. i observe the clothes around me, all seem to be exercise clothes. i turn to see the counter in the back of the store, an employee stands there, obviously bored. i turn my head to the side trying to hear the lyrics of the music, i can’t quite understand them. “can i help you with anything?” someone behind me asks. i turn to see another employee looking at me questioningly. i smile and shake my head. the employee, their name tag says “Reagan” smiles and says “alright, let me know if you need anything”. i nod. i continue browsing the store but i can see Reagan watching my every move. i watch them out of the corner of my eye and see they are dancing along to the music that is still playing. i realize what i am searching for and turn to face Reagan. they look at me expectantly, with hint of a smile on their cheeks. i step towards them and say, “i think i just met the happiest person in the world.” they seem confused, and i shake my head. no, i guess i was wrong. i head out of the store and leave Reagan behind, maybe one day i’ll find who sent the message..

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