
“That was probably the worst idea you’ve ever had… and yet it worked,” she told me as we left the school.

Today was supposed to be the day of our final history exam but like Mandy and me, many of us had just gotten back from the basketball trip. We missed multiple days of classes and wouldn’t be able to pass the exam with flying colors unless we did something about it. My idea sparked in the middle seat of the yellow school bus.

I whispered in Mandy’s ear, “Let’s spray paint the school walls.” It was risky and not right but I needed to be able to study for the exam. Mandy shook her head, disagreeing with my decision.

“They will think it’s a burglar or something and probably cancel school to investigate,” I explained.

“That’s not smart,” Mandy said. “I mean it won’t be the end of world if we just take the exam,” she spoke. But Mandy was so smart, she always could score higher than everyone else even when she never studied.

“Please?” I begged. I did my best to try to make her give in.

“Fine, only because you’re my best friend,” she replied.

“Yes!” I screamed, a little too loud. A few of the other students on the bus turned their heads to us.

After the bus, everyone went home as Mandy and I went to the store for spray paint cans and gloves. We went to the school at three in the morning and painted the whole front doors of the school. After we were finished, we hopped over the fence and sprinted our ways home. We both slept in our beds until six in the morning as our mothers knocked on our doors, telling us to sleep in because school was canceled for the day.

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