Your character looks into the two-way mirror and says, “I know you’re watching me.”
What happens next?
Jeffrey sat at the table in the small room impatiently waiting for the interrogator to come into the room. He tapped his foot on the floor causing his knee to bounce like he always did when he was nervous. He had no idea why he was there, but it couldn’t be good, and he didn’t even know how he had got here.
He got up and began pacing back and forth in the room. He had enough of this sitting around and began talking to himself out loud. “What the hell am I doing here? I don’t even know what I did. What could I possibly have done?”, he said this over and over waving his hands around as if he was some kind of magician that was going to create the answers out of thin air
As he paced back and forth, he looked towards the mirror and knew this had to be a two-way mirror. He saw this all the time on tv shows and movies. He began making faces and obscene gestures like grabbing his crotch and flipping the bird to the people that had to be standing behind and observing him. He was sure they wanted to see how he was reacting, so he decided to sit back down and try to remain calm.
He continued bouncing his knee and talking to himself some incoherently, “What’s happening to me and why is bothering me so much? I know I haven’t done anything wrong.”. He got back from the table and began to scream and yell for the whoever was behind the mirror to let him out. He didn’t know how long he had been there, but he started to beat on the mirror screaming even louder.
There was a loud noise coming from the other side of the glass and he looked towards the mirror. He saw his own reflection, but he thought he saw something else. He moved towards the mirror and looked closer. He jumped back when the reflection of a man jumped towards him and yelled “I know you are watching me.”. Jeffrey couldn’t believe it was him on the other side and then he heard a knock on the door.
He remained transfixed at the mirror and heard a loud banging on the door again and turned back towards the door. When he looked back towards the mirror the reflection had returned to normal. He shook his head and said out loud, “I guess I’m going nuts.”, and to the front door to answer whoever was knocking.
When he opened the door he was tackled and handcuffed by two officers. He was read his rights and taken down to the station and put in an interrogation room with a large two-way mirror. He began to tap his foot as his knee when up and down. He then began to pace back and forth and look in the mirror.