Describe a character's physical appearance through the eyes of someone who feels intense jealousy for them.

How accurate would the description be when tainted by strong emotion?

Mistrust and Jealousy

Faira absolutely despises Nova.

Even more than she dislikes witches. That’s a pretty low bar.

Somehow within a short period, Nova and her witch sister got Ward and Princess Aziza to trust them. It must be some kind of witchery. That’s the only explanation.

There’s no possible way that Ward, a high ranking knight, likes Nova. She’s practically feral.

Walking to the training grounds to get some aggression out, she sees them through a window, already sparring with each other.

Nova and Ward.

She’s infuriating. The way she thinks she can just slide into the royal life. Like it’s nothing. She’s an entitled brat who thinks just because she had a hard life means that she knows more than the rest of the guards. They all trained almost their whole lives. Who is she to just come in and think she knows better?

Without realizing, Faira finds herself staring. The window is slightly obscured by a pillar, so they wouldn’t notice her unless they looked directly at her.

Studying their training, Faira will admit that Nova can fight. She’s not blind.

The way Nova moves is…impressive. Her movements are fluid.

Her handling of her blade is also…above average. Like it’s an extension of her own arm. That’s how it should be. If treated right, your weapon is your best friend.

Her hair moves wildly with Nova’s wild dodges and attacks. Somehow even though she grew up in a dangerous forest, her hair looks impossibly soft. A bit jagged at the ends, showing evidence that she hasn’t had a clean cut before. But that aligns with Nova’s character.

Her eyes hold this fight in them. The eyes of a warrior.

They fight in an almost graceful way. It’s a dance. A magnetic push and pull. Even with the swords in their grasps, they are both smiling.

Faira is mesmerized.

It takes her a second for what she’s been thinking to sink in. Oh no.

She’s jealous.

She wants to be that sparring session.

But what greatly worries Faira is that she isn’t sure which one she is jealous of.


(I’m actually tired, so the working title will stay the actual title.)

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