Face it

This is where it all began. The piercing light creaked through the small windows and it illuminated everything around us. We were moving on. To a new place to call home. I had cried for days in my bed, upset because I had to leave, the place where I grew up. I had made so much memories in those walls. They put chains on me and pulled me to the door viciously. My heart was panting loudly. I could never get rid of the dark voices in my head.

''Go on, give in.''

''Leave your home behind.''

''It's for you own good.''

''Face it. Look into it. Show it that you mean no harm.''

They threw me into it and I fell quickly. Darkness enfolded me and I woke up. My eyes opened to see that some people found me. When they saw me, they were displeased. They took me through halls of misery and despair.

One of them asked me, ''Where is our dear Nision?''

But I did not reply. And each time they asked me, I couldn't help but feel they expected me to do something. Then, they threw me into a cage and left me behind. My dream was to always explore the world beyond but now, I can only see the world in my dreams. I had so much fun every time I went to sleep but when I woke up, I was in my cage.

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