Submitted by BurntBeans

Write a story based around a young man and his dog who get evicted from their home.


An eviction notice? Third one? What is going on here? I just paid my rent last week! I set it right there in the slot downstairs with all the mail boxes! How on earth am I being evicted?

I jump with a slight scream as I feel a wet tongue on my hand. Milo. I can always rely on my best friend to comfort me. He’s the best chocolate lab a young stud could have. By stud I mean single as the day is long and socially anxious beyond a therapists reach. He’s always right there as I get the worst of news.

Last week, I lost my keys. 10th time in a month. I had to call a coworker to come get me. Yeah that conversation went over like a lead balloon. I didn’t make it to work on time…. Again and got fired. Milo was right there waiting for me after that long pathetic walk from home.

I nearly starved myself with sorrow when my father passed last year right here in this dump of an apartment. I had been taking care of him as he had been aging and somehow his oxygen tank became clogged. I got blamed and an investigation was prompted but nothing came of it. As far as I know it’s still ongoing. Milo was there and never left my side. He even laid on my chest and kept me from getting up and doing damage to myself.

Here he is. The next horrible thing life is throwing at me, and my best friend is right beside me. Looks like we’re sleeping in the park tonight. He follows me to the park with tongue lolling out of his mouth perfectly happy and unaware of the terrible situation his terrible owner has allowed us to get into. Dejected I lay against a picnic table.

All at once Milo runs to the woods! I panic. No I can’t lose him! I cry out for him but he doesn’t slow down. I run after him and hear him in the distance. I swear that goofy dog has already run a mile! What has got into him??

Out of breathe I catch up to him and….

I buried him real deep. Much deeper than my last victim. I just gotta wait till the flesh rots on the bones and soften just right. It’s my favorite delicacy. Now for my next victim.

I wonder what stupid name this lady will call me. Anything has to be better than Milo. Anthony was a good human as they go but… well I can’t help myself. I’ve been trying to despatch him for years now. Between hiding his keys and waiting to see if his boss killed him, to killing off his dad and hoping he’d be convicted, to finally taking all his rent money and tearing it to shreds! I had to get him all alone before things worked out. looks like his luck finally ran out and my luck has just begone…

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