Create a story where a celestial being embarks on a daily journey across the sky to deliver light to the world.
Consider the mythology behind this, and if you want to follow a known deity or create your own character with unique motivations.
From Heaven Like Lightning
Sonorous vibration! Samael knew his name from the moment he was called into existence.
His spinning, sheer circumference. Beams and rays of light plunged outward from him, and serpentine gases swayed and waltzed from his head and tail.
He moved by hum, and he sang in circles, roaming around like the excited eddies of the stream and the roaring currents of the abyss. In an ornamented order, he danced around and around with the other stars, their spins working in concert with their paths across the infinitely spread firmament. He was both swift and weighty. His swiftness shone, giving order to the dark, and molding that dark and void around him into beautiful ripples. How gorgeous it was to shape the fabric around him, and to feel his shape dance with those of his companions, whom he also knew by name. There was Mastema, Asmodeus, Astaroth, Armoros, Mammon, Uriel, Jeremiel, Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel. Around the center they shone, sang, and danced. His light fell on space, and it was seen. His light touched the seas, and they were seen. His light perched on the backs of birds, and swam on the backs of fish, and they were seen. His light trampled on upon dirt, but when the dirt began to breathe, he stopped—
And then the breathing dirt began to name things, began to choreograph his own dances. The fish danced with him. As did the birds, and mice and lions, and this caught Samael’s great, roaring eyes. His circles spun faster. His light raced to fall upon those new and endless little dances, until he saw something that frightened him…
The breathing dirt was now two. His companion breathed as him, was just as beautiful as him, and turned his dance into an even more in-companioned revolution whose structure simultaneously vibrated in tremendous symmetry and awesome possibility. And from the dirt came a new light, noble and infinite, express and admirable.
Around Samael, some of his fellow spheres twinkled, but he quivered. His quiver, a flash of cold, flashed into a heated tremble, and the tremble rended the skin of his luminosity away at seeing what the dirt could do. And Samael and some around him, shrieked and shriveled from burning brightness into, cold, wrinkled, leather, and then into a an angry wisp of cold air.
And while the skies still shone that night, and while many still danced and shone, the world knew its first disruption, and the disruption was named envy.