Unrequited Boys

Dave approached the boy. It took him a long time to accept himself as gay. He knew there were other gay boys in the school but him himself? It was crazy to him. The only way he knew he was part of the LGBTQ community is through his friend. Should he even call him his friend? They "hate" each other. Shoto can't stand Dave and Dave feels the same way. Frenemies, maybe.

He stood outside the school entrance, the leaves falling off the trees, having a glistening glow from the moon. Dave got all dressed up. A suit, black and smooth. He sat on a bench, waiting for Shoto. They insult each other and make fun of each other but neither of them mean the things they say.

"Hey, dude," a voice said behind him. Shoto appeared, his eyes glowing, sparkling. He's so pretty. Shoto sat next to him, putting his hands in his lap and looking at the stars. "What's up?"

"Nothing..just wanted to tell you something..," Dave responded. His hands were sweaty and his heart was beating. God, he really was gay. No doubt about it now. "Sho..you know how cool you are?"

"Of course," Shoto said, cockily. He always pretended to have a large ego, it made him funnier.

"I like you, Sho.."

Shoto's eyes went wide. Why would Dave like him? He looked back behind him and pointed to himself.

"I'm sorry..me?" Shoto couldn't believe that. "I'm so rude to you. Literally an hour ago, I told you you suck and are a moron."

Dave laughed. He lived Shoto's insults. He loved Shoto. No, he won't say that.

"Yeah..its really funny when you do that."

"I don't like you back like that. At least not right now. I get you're lonely but you don't need to be desperate." Shoto laughed. Dave laughed too.

"That's okay..let's be friends."

They shook hands and laughed, making jokes as they walked back to the dorm rooms. That wouldn't be the end of their relationship.

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