‘All in a golden afternoon, under the skies of cloudless blue.’

Write a poem that begins or ends with this line, adapted from Alice in Wonderland. Don’t feel limited to the themes and images of the book – see where else you could go from these words.

The Words of the Sun

And I sat beneath the oak tree

Gazing upon the world

The wind whistled behind me

But the leaves shrouded me from the cold

And I felt the warmth of life

As I sat there in the glow

Of a thousand years of sunsets

Who’ve ended their short show

The golden light slipping through the leaves

Warming my cold cheeks

And as i watched the sun fall down

I finally felt it speak

And it told me to be careful

That all good things come to an end

For even the kindest people

Aren’t always your friend

And as the sun slipped into the dusk

I knew it’s words were true

For it can still rain

In a golden afternoon, under the skies of cloudless blue.

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