I Fell In Love With, The Idea Of Love Itself.

I don’t think I truly fell in love with you.

I fell in love with the idea of love itself.

Of long late-night talks, coffee dates,

Running in the rain, picnics shared with the sun.

I didn’t just fall in love with the things -but the feelings.

The feeling your stomach gets when your name escapees their mouth.

When your heart flickers at the sight of their eyes,

-their lips,

The feeling you get then they look at you in admiration.

I fell in love with the idea of love.

The idea of you with your arm around me and showing me off- like you are so insanely happy by the fact that I am finally yours.

-The thought of you never getting bored of kissing me.

The thought of you comforting me. -and the thought of you handling me like I’m a china set- like I’m gentle and breakable. The thought of being protected- and feeling safe.

The idea of love was what made me stay. I was too distracted by waiting ever so patently for you to fulfill theses thoughts and dreams I had...

I realized that sometimes we fall in love with ideas, not people.

My hope that you will show how much you love me, roles of my tongue when we kiss.

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