Your Now Is Your Future

In the times of war

The days of battles

Time was only in the space of now

Before or after are none existent

Your current state

Your only salvation

No time for later

Nor is there time for before

For what will happen to you

Has already happened to you

That’s why as a soldier

I cannot die

For if I am going to die

I’m already dead

That’s why in my battles

I already won

For if I’m not sure of winning

I already lost

There’s only two sides to a coin

If it’s not the head then it’s the tail

And if it’s the head it will always be the head

And if it’s tail it has always been the tail

Your last decision

Would be counted as your only decision

It doesn’t matter what you were

Who you are now is what you will always be

It doesn’t matter how u might look

A crown doesn’t make a king

Nor do rags makes a slave

It’s all in your mind your true self

A soldier is always a soldier even in a prison

A prince is always a prince even at exile

A light would always be a light even in the mist of dark

Know who you are

Your now is your future


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