Describe a cozy, small-town café during a rainy afternoon.

Focus on using language and structures that build an atmosphere.

Bryce's Cafe heaeven

Today, it is one of the coldest afternoons I have ever experienced to the point my nose feels like they are frozen. The heavy raindrops pounce on my umbrella and freezing wind blows chill into my body even with 3 layers of jackets. As I'm walking back from work in the pouring rain and bitter wind, a bright red sign catches my attention. Not the red light or stop light. Behind the window of a cafe, a sign says "OPEN" with bright red letters. Right under, it boldly reassured, "Enjoy a cozy moment while drinking delicious cafe." Looking through the window, a person sips their coffee while reading a newspaper. I couldn't fight the urge to rush in, once I open the door, the warm air of the cafe rushes onto my face. I feel like I'm in a completely different world, where the warm atmosphere and the rich scent of coffee welcomed me.

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