Write a letter to a friend, from the perspective of someone living 100 years in the future.
What commonplace things might they mention that would surprise a reader now, and how can you use these to drive an interesting narrative?
Greetings From the Future
Greetings from the future—not a joke.
So, we developed a this device that allows us to communicate over time, but not travel over time. However, I think that may change in the next 50 years. You know how one discovery can lead to another?
Anyway, it is the year 2124. I received the device I’m using as a Christmas gift. I just picked a random connection and found you. We have studied your era in our education programs. I wonder how much we learned about you is true. You know, like George Orwell’s 1984 described how the government changed words and facts to get you to fall into line. Anyway, I hope that’s not true, and you were intelligent enough to discover things for yourself and not leave your decisions to the media’s propaganda.
You’re probably curious about how we have progressed or regressed in 100 years.
First, climate change turned out not to be a thing. The earth changes constantly as it always has, and it turns out mankind did not have much effect on temperature after all. The change was because the interior of the planet just followed its natural cycles. A bigger problem for us was the oceans. Plastics in the water were a huge issue. We eventually solved the problem by finding better ways to recycle plastics.
A second thing that is different is our educational system. I think you primarily went to buildings through your high schools years. Our schooling is all in the air. We call it _in air. _It is similar to your Internet and Cloud. The advantage is we have access to a tremendous amount of knowledge. But again, I’m not sure how much is true. For example did you really elect a president simply because she, and her party, wanted a black female even though she didn’t understand economics or government policy, and she couldn’t respond to questions without a teleprompter?
That brings me to the disadvantages. One disadvantage is weeding through information to discern fact from fiction. How are we supposed to know if what the media and government are telling us is true? We are greatly discouraged from investigating things we don’t understand. You often hear, Ju_st trust us_, from the ones in control.
The second disadvantage is that there is no interaction among the students during our educational hours which are from sunrise to sunset. So, most of our social contacts are _in air. _However, there are times on the weekends when we get together.
I’m sure there are many more differences in our eras. However, people are people no matter what era. I wish there was a way for you to contact me, but I think this device is omnidirectional at this time. Get it? _At this time? _ LOL