A beauty queen is forced to move to a small town.

Narrate a day in life of this character - what might they find difficult, or enjoy?

The Woes Of Royal Blood

Pigs and cows. All of them. I was royalty back home, but when our land was invaded from the north we started losing ground. They call themselves the Antzetzen. I’m sure the word means something in their filthy tongue but to me it just means ‘brigands’. They claim to be the “Inheritors of Our Theft’… whatever that means. After a month or so they were only a days march from the capitol. That’s when I was drug through the middle of the night to this backwater town filled with pigs and cows. I’m not talking about the animals, I mean the people. That’s right, I… the kings daughter… have been living like a peasant for a week now! My father’s advisor has family here that I’m staying with in secret. It’s some obscure duke I’ve never heard of. Every meal is bread and butter, the locals are filthy. They wallow with the crops and the animals all day everyday and there’s only one bath in the whole village! Luckily it’s in the same house as me. The rest of the peasants wash themselves in the river like dogs. I can’t believe I’ve had to dress myself every day since I arrived! This is not how royalty should be treated and I’ll certainly have words for my father when I return. I’ve been here for about a month now and we just received a message from the capitol. After a short siege the capitol was taken and my father was killed. The Antzetzen are scouring the country side for me. They mean to ‘erase my fathers blood from history.’ I suppose that means I don’t have much longer to live.
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