Submitted by Nicholas Rock

'A poet is only as good as their definition of poetry.'

Use this quote to inspire a poem in any style.

Understanding A Poem

Poetry is one of those things that you can read but you don’t always understand it.

There are metaphors, hyperboles, and idioms, which is three out of a dozen other figurative language.

We often hate what we don’t understand.


It’s because we all want something to control.

We _fear_ what we don’t have control over.

With poetry, you might read that one line that you still don’t understand what it means

Now that’s not to say that everyone is like that.

Most people understand figurative language

When we read poems, we can sometimes feel how that poet felt when writing it

It is sometimes easy to figure out where that poet’s head was at when they made their poem.

Some poets made a very metaphorically poem.

Others have a lot of similes or none at all.

It depends on what the poet is trying to explain in their poem too.

A poet is only as good as their definition of poetry.

A poem can be witticism, it can have delectation.

Poems have a deeper meaning that some poets can never explain.

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