Write a story about a thief, which encourages the reader to side with, and like, this criminal.

Maybe they are charming and witty, maybe they steal for the right reasons, maybe they share their wealth; make us want to be the thief's friend!


I have a big crush, on Dani. She is the beautifulest girl in the school. From her shiny blond hair to her amazing style. I’m mike, and I’m on the football team. But I don’t think I have a chance with her. She’s the cheer captan, and the beautifulest one on it. The other day I the cheer and football team were practicing. She was staring at me! Her blond hair up, And her pink crop top. If my mother new I liked this girl, she would go nuts. My mom can’t handle when I have a crush. Her shorts were very short, well to me it least, apparently girls have shorter shorts than guys…

Today after school, I saw her at Marshals. I saw her slip a skirt into her beautiful bag. Then a nice dress, which I don’t think was her size. Then the next day i saw her wear the skirt, I was so embarrassed as she walked by me. She smiled and waved. I felt my face getting hot.

At practice today, I saw her standing on top of peoples hands for cheer. Then jumped. After I took a shower. I walked out to my gym locker when I noticed something. There was a doorway with no door, to the girls gym room. There was a curtain. She and another girl came up to it.

“Hi, Mike.” She said closing it. I got so embarrassed when I realized that I was wearing only a towel around my waist, in front of her! Then I realized, she was too, she probably was just as embarrassed as me. ‘No’ I thought ‘She doesn’t like me that way’ feeling sorry for myself I realized the fact, that I didn’t know that! The valentines Dance was two weeks away. I had to ask her! Before anyone else did.

The next day I wore my favorite clothes. She was wearing the dress she got from the store.

“I did not steal your pen Casey!” She said to the girl who she closed the curtain with, “Just because something disappears of yours. Doesn’t mean I took it!” I saw a pen sticking out of her bag. But I didn’t know what it looked like.

“Hey Dani…” I said as she was walking by. She walked towards me.

She crossed her arms. “Yeah?” She asked a foot in front of me.

“Want to go to the dance together?” She walked even closer to me

“Heck yeah!” She said. She put one arm around my shoulder, and kissed me on the cheek. I felt me beginning to blush. I knew she must have struggled to do so because she’s much shorter than me. Later that day I realized 5 bux were missing, but that’s okay. Mission complete.

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