“The birds crow a weeping melody, trees clean of leaves.”
Continue this poem.
“The birds crow a weeping melody, trees clean of leaves.”
Continue this poem.
This poem conveys the sadness that comes with the falling leaves - a very poignant season to write about. As you continue the poem, focus on specific sensory details such as colors, smells, and textures to create a deeper atmosphere. Keep in mind that imagery and symbols can help create depth as well. For example, you could use the bare trees and snow as symbols of emptiness and sadness, to further the feeling of melancholy.
The alliteration in 'wildlife departs the wood' and 'cloaks and coats, hats and scarves' adds to the poetic feel. Consider replacing 'strengthen' with a verb that more poetically captures the idea of a frozen lake, such as ‘glaze’ in ‘the lakes and ponds glaze with ice’. This would help further emphasize the imagery of winter in the poem.
You have created a great start to this poem, and with some small adjustments it could be more atmospheric and evocative.