'Thank you. For nothing.'

Include this sentence in a story or poem. Use this opportunity to explore different aspects of emotion, and what may lead your characters to this sentence.


I find myself laying in the middle of an isolated red rock that’s floating in nothing but darkness. I leap to my feet, searching for him. “Come out!” I shout. “Where are you?!” Out of the darknees emerges a pair of immense, red eyes, piercing through the darkness. Then descending is a figure dressed in shadow, white hair and yellow fangs. A void in the center of it’s chest. It speaks, "You summoned me?" "You were supposed to save her!" I scream. "I wasn’t supposed to do anything." "You were meant to save her! I asked you to save her!" "I don’t do what you ask," It’s voice is laced with anger. "You do what I asks!" "Why did you lie to me?!" I scream, my voice echoing through the vast nothingness. "Why did you lie?" "Do you not realize who I am? You idiot!" it retorts. "Why would I ever be honest with you? I have no reason to be honest, just as you have no reason to yell at it for something you did! You made a deal with me, not the other way around." Overwhelmed, I fall to my knees. "Do I still die? I asked you to kill me, not her. Do I still die?" "No." It replies coldly. "Please!" I beg. "No!" "Please!" I cry out. The rock I'm on shakes suddenly, and I nearly fall off the edge. I almost feel relieved but I’m swiftly lifted back up. "Don't save me!" "When will you learn? This is life. You don't get any free chances! You don't get to die for free!” I can't hold back my sobs. “Thank you. For nothing!”
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