The Ground Shakes

The ground rumbled ominously. "Hurry josie she's gone already!"

Hugo roared his voice barly audible under the sounds of the earth rumbling getting ready to blow, like shaking a soda bottle before opening it.

Hugo understood her despair but he wished she would just move.

Josephine just sat there on her knees sobbing, paralyzed in shock.

Hugo could feel the ground was about to blow, the ashes of the flame beneath them burning his skin. "Hurry" he screamed but she did not move. without wasting another moment, he sprinted over and grabbed josephine, he could hardly see with the thick layer of smoke seeping out.

With every cell in his body, he attempted to create a force field strong enough to withold the blast.

He clutched on to josephine as tightly as he could.

Finally the dust settled and he lowered onto the ground, the smell of smoke filled the air. As soon as he let go, josephine dashed toward her deceased sister. She held her head in her hands sobbing,"you did it you stopped the fleet, you were so brave Naomi wanna get ice cream at mr.freezies I finally got enough for rasperry blitz or summer blast" she choked on her words, tears streaming down her sooted face stroking Naomi's ash covered hair. Hugo knew what it was like losing someone you hold so close to your heart,

the fact that you will never be able to embrace them, laugh with them, or just tell them you love 'em one last time. Hugo knew that it didn't do any good to talk about it, so he walked over knelt down next to her, and opened his arms a little as if saying 'need a hug' she nodded weeping into hugo's shoulder.

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