Write a story that takes places on a desolate moorland.

You can write in any genre; don't feel bound by thriller and crime!

Becoming Elite

There were three types of people in this war. The Laden, the Empties, and the Naturals. It was a rule drummed into our heads right before we were tossed out onto this desolate land. We were the Naturals. The ones meant to bring order back into this world. And yet here were the Laden breaking every law known to man. Shooting fire from their hands. Healing wounds that should have killed them. Even ignoring gravity. Such madness could not be tolerated.

And yet the Empties were acceptable. As former Laden they could steal the gifts. Identify the enemy. Even use the gifts against them.

But these Empties could also create a fourth type of person. Something I didn’t know until I was face down in the moor, my blood mixing with the mud.

“Lee. Lee!”

A dirty face came into view. And a sudden explosion made a halo over her cropped curls. But it was her eyes that drew me in. So dark it felt like I could drown in them.

The earth shook beneath us and she turned to the boy causing them. A right monster he was. With each scream the ground cracked beneath us.

I couldn’t move. Even if I could, I had no bullets left. No charge in my stunner. And no strength in my body.

But that didn’t stop the Empty. She rushed the boy, dodging the earth that tried to consume her. In a single touch she had the boy on the ground.

She looked back to me and hesitated. It was something I’d never seen her do. But usually she had strict rules from our superiors.

The ground trembled as another fireball landed ahead. My peers screamed. But I couldn’t see them over the hill. There was only the stench of burning flesh. And cold. Perhaps I would be joining them soon.

But then I felt hands on my face. The Empty was back. Rock shot up to shield us as more shrapnel flew over the hill. But the Empty wasn’t fazed.

She looked me in the eye and said, “I’m gonna get into trouble for this. But it’s the least I could do after you helped me.”

A scene flashed through of the other soldiers beating her on the outskirts of camp. She hadn’t made a sound. She hadn’t fought back. Simply gritted her teeth and took the beating. But she wasn’t the enemy. In fact she was one of our greatest assets. What other Empty could steal powers from multiple Laden at once? Of course I had to put a stop to it. It was my duty to see that we won this war. That we made sure the Laden wouldn’t force the Naturals into extinction. Even the Empties agreed with us.

I blinked at the girl (for she couldn’t have been much older than I). A warmth began to seep into the cheek she touched. It chased the cold away and began to spread. It didn’t feel like the healing gift. No this made me want to sink into the moor and caress the rock within. I was one with it, absorbing its strength.

From the corner of my eye I saw another fire ball. I moved to shield her. And the rock answered my call, surrounding us.

I looked around. “I thought Naturals couldn’t use the gifts. That it would tear them apart.”

She shook her head. “There are some who can withstand it. You guys have taken to calling them the Elites.”

Ah, so that was what I’d overheard the commander talking about on the radio. I’d thought they were just exceptional soldiers. But if they had gifts…

My lips quirked up. “It seems like I’m more useful than I thought.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever understand that mindset.”

I waved her off and stood. “Come, Empty. It’s time to put this power to good use.”

“It’s Zinnia.” She said standing. “The least you can do is remember it.”


The name danced across my tongue. I would remember that. In fact I wasn’t likely to forget anything about her. She had made me Elite. And I in turn would honor that sacrifice with my life.

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