When aliens invade earth, it is not to take over, but to beg for safety from an even greater threat...
News? What News?
*Kelson, Drew, and Edith are seated on a couch playing a racing game. Ryan walks into room looking at his phone.
Ryan: Did you all know that there’s a place called Christmas Island?
Kelson: Do you mean the island with the giant heads?
Edith: That’s Easter Island.
Drew: There’s a Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean that was invaded by the Japs during World War Two. Is that the one?
R: No, this one’s smack dab in the middle of the Pacific. It actually goes by a different name, but it translates to Christmas. I can’t pronounce it. Kiri..Kirita…Kitima…
D: Kiritimati?
R: That’s it!
E: Of course Drew’s heard of it.
K: So, there’s an Easter Island and TWO Christmas Islands? Mind blown.
R: Yah. And fun fact, nuclearbombs were tested in the fifties and sixties on Kirita…
D: Kiritimati
R: Kiritimati Island.
D: I knew that! Now it’s some sort of bird sanctuary, or something.
*Edith wins race.
K: No!!!!
E: Yes! Thank you gentlemen, fork over the cash.
D: Ryan distracted me. He should pay.
R: What!
K: I demand a rematch!
E: Drew’s got a point, Ryan. What’s up with the random trivia? Trivia Night’s not ‘til next week.
R: Haven’t you all seen the news?
K: Why? I never watch it. It’s always depressing.
E: Or fake.
D: And too many advertisements.
*Ryan sighs and turns television to a random news station.
Reporter: This just in, government officials confirm that the unidentified ship that set down off the coast of Kiritimati is extraterrestrial in origin. Officials urge everyone to stay in their homes and to not panic. The…
*A burst of static that clears to reveal a green skinned being.
K: The hell?
Alien: We…jikot desa…come in peace. Hutge…and bring warning…yiip ukkol…The…Dapi…ghu…The Dapier Theocracy is…feer…coming….
*Another burst of static. Reporter reappears briefly before screen goes black. The four friends stare at each other.
E: Aliens?!
D: First contact. We are witnessing history.
K: What. The. Hell.
R: This is why I keep saying you should watch the news.