
In a time unknown, alien beings from other universe stepped foot into this one. They wandered, explored, and exploited us. They enslaved us to do their bidding. They made us breed with one another to create more manpower for hundreds of years with their better technology and ‘sophisticated’ practices. Until… a savior arose.

His name was Favier. His name since has been ‘The Revolutionary’. He recited a rebellion large enough to overpower the technology the outsiders had. He saved us all from a life of enslavement. He is a God to some. A hero to all.

When the outsiders were thrown out the rebellion took and studied the equipment. Most wanted to throw it off a cliff. Favier thought it would be useful, and everyone listened to their hero. He was correct to do so.

We are at the height of power. World hunger was just about eradicated recently. There are only a few people living on the streets, and we have access to the universe traveling technology likely similar to that of the outsider’s technology.

We now know of our parallel selves. We know of other universes separate from our own. We can communicate, trade, anything! It is amazing.

But it can also be risky.

On the 15th of June, I received a letter from myself. I have no memory of writing it. It was likely a letter from a parallel self. It read:

‘Dear [Redacted],

I am from Uni-13B, and I am requesting help in my countries’s war efforts. The Fatherland has been attacked by savages. They carry weapons they should not have access to. Send help. I and the army have been trying to push them back. We will not survive without your help. Please send support.’

After all, you could be dragged into a war on another world.

~Excerpt from ‘The Multi-galactic War’

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