My Writing Schedule

Today I am going to consider what to write about by thinking about the theme of the novel. Instead of coming up with a random idea and plot, and then trying to make a theme out of it and having to weave it in, I am going to come up with my novel by deciding what message I want my readers to take from my novel. I want to write about something that matters to me and something that will excite me and mean something to me so this challenge isn’t boring and I don’t give up or get stuck because if I have a theme, whenever I’m feeling stuck I will go back to that theme and it will help me develop the plot and keep it moving along. I am going to do the prompt about the ten major plot points today or draft it at least, and come up with my protagonist and some features about them. I am going to come up with the main conflict of the story- if it is internal or external and what type of conflict, person vs technology person vs natural disaster etc. and the genre, and if it’s a hero’s journey, coming of age, etc.

I will make my way through these prompts the first week or two, one prompt a day just about if I can. From there, I’m going to go scene by scene so I will shoot for a scene a week- two if I can.

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