"I need to confess something.. I did it. Now, can you pass the wine?"

Write a story which could be humorous or thrilling, with this as the opening line.

I Killed Fiona

β€œI need to confess something..I did it. Now, can you pass the wine?” Zoey stuttered.

β€œFirst of all gurlie, that’s not wine, that’s a Starbucks cappuccino and second of all, what did you do?” Kelly, Zoey’s best friend asked.

β€œOh…oops!” Zoey chuckled, β€œSame difference!”

β€œWhatever…” Kelly rolled her eyes, β€œNow, what is it that you did?”

β€œI killed Fiona.” Zoey said, tears filling up in her eyes.

β€œWhat?” Kelly stared at Zoey in disbelief. β€œI didn’t even know she died, no one told me. And know you’re telling me you killed her!?”

β€œI’m sorry, it was an accident, I promise.” Zoey cried.

β€œI’m sorry Zoey, but I have to call the police on you, I can’t believe you would murder someone.” Kelly snapped.

β€œMurder someone?” Zoey asked questioningly, β€œI didn’t murder anybody!”

β€œWhat do you mean! You just said you murdered our neighbor, Fiona!” Kelly said, confused.

β€œGurl! The fish Fiona.” Zoey glared.

β€œOh…the fish, oops!” Kelly laughed.

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