
Ugh. Another one of these prompts. Well, there’s a couple in a wood where there are a lot of red leaves on the ground. Stylized autumnal shit. Someone’s fantasy of what fall in Maine is supposed to look like except of course it looks totally fake and computer generated. It’s so uncanny valley. It’s a canned idealized version of something that in real life is precious and specific. Local and authentic. Now it’s been cheapened flattened out and made all cheesy and fake. Someone who isn’t very imaginative’s imagination.Someone who can’t think for himself’s thoughts. Someone’s creative vision that is based on canned wisdom, received judgments, and genetic crap. There is no hint of any human behind this. It’s just derivative cliche. It’s like the pastries in the Soviet shops. You’d see beautiful meringues in the window but when you went in to buy one you discovered they were all fake. The only difference here is the fact that the meringues in the window don’t even look real. It’s like designer imposter perfume but somehow worse because there is no original to push back against. There is just no there there at all. It’s hollow and empty in the creepiest way. Not a real wood. Not a real couple.

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