The only eyewitness said he didn't actually see it happen.

The opening line of your story has been provided. Now continue where the line left off.


He felt the another pressence on the poker table,watching,feeling the drafts of air as the unseen stranger is moving around the table,”everyone looked nervous”he said with a blank stare as a he reaches a flask from his coat and taking a long swig from it,seeing his reflection in the flask and fixing his hair in it,”its like they were all feeling a stare heavy like lead directed at them,like an animal ready to attack its pray,Gino was the one with the winning hand and it was that way all night,hes ussualy one of the unluckiest”as he looks around the destroyed bar and the poker table,wich was broken in half by using his head,wich is now a puddle of blood on the floor slowly creeping up to the exit,like its trying to escape,”Still slippery as allways i see” “I think you had ol’ Lady Luck on your side today old friend,but she gave u a rotten luck mate”
