Write a short story about a teacher who is trying to connect with their students.
Two Hours To Go
Part-time work as a CNA had always been the go to extra side hustle for Kate. A teachers salary never stretched far enough. Though warned not to get too personal with her students, she always took the time to get to know them. Their heritage and background. She made sure each student knew, what ever they celebrated, she celebrated them, the individual.
It was still dark outside and Kate was waiting for the defroster to work on the front and rear glass.
This was easier when I was younger she thought to herself. Wondering if all this effort was worth a second job or not. This new exhaustion seemed to be taking a toll. Kate wondered how she would be able to afford to celebrate each students life, sometime in the year.
The greater question she thought, was how could she not? Some of these students, well they don’t always have it so good at home. Parents, parental figures, everyone around these kids thinks it’s the parents or their caregivers job to give time and attention to them. The other side believes it is the teachers, the trainers, coaches, instructors..they are paid to validate these kids.
Some loud care sales ad came breaking into the silence of her car. Kate brushed tears from her eyes, secured her seat belt and slipped her car into drive.
Sometimes, all they have is a teacher who gives a damn. Not on my watch, this part time job is for them.
Off she drove to teach these kids she loves. Thinking out loud: I sure hope Rodney and those hooligans didn’t rearrange the seating in class. If only Rodney could see how his life will be celebrated.
Exhausted, Kate greeted her 1st period students.
Good morning everyone. I am really exhausted. So if you are sitting in a seat that is currently not where it belongs, can you kindly carry it where it DOES go? Kate announced to her students.
Winking at Rodney, she noticed a new black eye. Remembering all the ways she had planned for the class to celebrate his life.
That shiner was the drive she needed. This was the right thing to do. Even if exhausted.
Two more hours to go each day, just two more.