The Man Under The Umbrella

The man under the umbrella

Scared of his own shadow

Shaking in the cold

Hiding his face from those who stare

They point and watch

Thinking his face is a costume

And run when they realize that on his face is no mask

But the features he was born with

But what does he want from you?

You made him stop in his tracks

Knowing you are not scared

Rather fascinated by his gentleness

Others think,

How could someone so ugly attract something so gentle,

A butterfly at that

But you,

You think not about his appearance,

But about how he feels

An almost comforting pull towards him,

Deep down wanting to make others feel safe

Because no one makes him feel that way

Staring into his pale blue eyes

You wonder why,

Why everyone runs as fast as they can

Away from something not “ugly”

But something so special and rare

They can’t fathom it’s unique features

And before learning

They judge and run away.

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