You slide the bag across the table, the hooded figure opposite you peers inside. "Where the hell did you find this?!"
Continue this dialogue.
I'll bring you back
I slide the bag across the table, the hooded figure opposite to me peers inside.
"where the hell did you find this?!" he yells at me as he pushed the bag back towards me again. I look at him with a stoic expression.
"it doesn't matter where I found this. just tell me if you can use it or not" I said firmly to him. Leaning one of my hands onto the table. He was looking at me like I had just killed his family in front of him.
"I mean, yeah I can use this. But i'm not using it if you stole off some graveyard." He said in a panicked voice. His eyes glancing between the opened bag and me standing in front of it. He reached for it again, this time taking a more careful look at it.
"I didn't steal it outta nowhere, okay? I just borrowed it from someone who didn't need it as much" I said nonchalantly to him as I looked at him look at the bag. He pulled the bag down on the sides, revealing the heart in a jar in the bag.
"You killed someone for this?!" He said in response to my words. His words sounding even more panicked as he looked at me again. I was getting impatient right now. He was seriously more worried about this rather than the offer I was giving him right now. I pulled my knife out of its holder stabbing it down onto the table. He froze as soon as he saw the knife. Blood still covering the blade. I looked at him with a glare.
"Look, if you can't do what I'm asking of you right now without freaking out i'll just pay someone else the money to do it instead. He doesn't have much time and you're just here blabbering your mouth off" I said to him angrily with my glare. I heard him gulp nervously before he nodded. Keeping his gaze down away from meeting my own.
"N-no I can do it. I'll shut up now.." He said as he picked up the jar and walked through the door in the back of this room. Quickly I followed him. Entering what seemed to be his laboratory, where he was being kept for now on a table. I approached the side of him laying there. I brushed some of his hair away from his face. He looked so pale and skinny. So lifeless. Unlike how he usually is. So happy, warm and friendly. I could hear the hooded figure start to move around in the back. Probably gathering everything he needs to bring him back. But I didn't turn to look at the figure. I stayed by his side on the table. I intertwined my fingers in his hand. Even if he couldn't hold my hands right now, he will be able to in a moment. Soon enough the hooded figure spoke up.
"I'm done now, I just need to open him up, place in the new heart and then sew him up." The figure spoke. I nodded my head, allowing him to get close to him on the table. I was glad he wasn't dallying anymore. I stayed by his side, holding his cold hand in mine. Watching the hooded figure cut into his chest, and pull out his old heart. It honestly smelled absolutely putrid in there. But it didn't matter if it meant I could have him back, if he could be back in my arms. The hooded figure sewed his heart in place, which beat on it's own somehow. Then sewing his skin back together. After that we watched almost impatiently for any reaction from him who lays on the table. A few minutes passed with no reaction. Each second that passed by made me question the hope I had. Little 'what ifs' started appearing in my thoughts. What if he doesn't come back? What if he's gone forever and it didn't work? I almost felt hopeless as more time passed, about an hour now. Till I felt his hand start to grip mine, I looked at his chest and it rose with each breath he took. And it looked as if his skin glowed, returning to its normal warm color and his body didn't seem so thin anymore. Going back to its lean figure with the muscles. I saw him start to stir and I felt my heart jump. His eyes opened and he looked at me firstly.
"A-arabella?..." He called to me. I nodded my head. Bringing his hand up to my lips and kissing them tenderly. Feeling the tears build up in my eyes as I looked at him.
"Yes, Ethan it's me" I said to him with a shaky voice. Unable to contain the emotions out of them as I literally am seeing him come back to life. I saw him slightly struggle to make out the words. "ShShhh, don't speak just relax. Keep your strength. You're alive and that's all that matters Ethan" I said to him before he could continue. Pulling him slightly up so I could wrap my arms around him in a hug. I felt his arms also come up to wrap around me too. I have never felt more relieved in my life than right now. To see the love of my life alive and well again. I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks. I moved back again and his hand came up wiping away my tears.
"Don't cry Arabella.." He said with such a gentle tone i'd only ever hear from him. no one else I knew could ever be as kind or gentle as him. I nodded my head, sniffing my nose.
"Sorry, i'm just...I was so scared I'd loose you Ethan." I spoke in response to what he said. Taking in a shaky breath before I continued speaking. "I don't know what I would do without you" I said to him before I kissed his head gently.
"well, you don't have to worry about that. I'll always be here now" Ethan said to me reassuringly. I could tell he really meant that. And that this was only the start of our lives that we are going to spend with each other.